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Huaxia Guo deep city can be considered economically developed cities, the rich are not rich Yutian village said, but said the poor is not too poor, coming this way, and that the formation of cement roads are built to direct each villager 's house, and this road, Lohan also met quite a few houses down the yard parked car, although some are basically several million domestic brands, as this car Peugeot 307 jordan sneakers atmosphere, but more likely than the number ah ! So Lohan 's heart, more at ease. Off lotus home is one kilometer near the village branch office is next to the mountain ridge white three -story house, with the pattern of the village which houses almost cheap jordan sneakers people, but obviously an area twice as big yard, surrounded by a circle of high high walls, walls that are not commonly used to pass the bare red brick, but smooth white concrete wall that looks exceptionally strong and dignified.

Holiday home off long ago because the younger sister had a phone,jordan shoes, rather enthusiastically Yingchu the courtyard, that calm smile suddenly let Lohan hearts of many female greedy abatement. Perhaps, the situation is not as bad as imagined yourself ? The car had just crossed the gate of the court, Lohan out of the main room to see the former two fifty -year-old middle-aged couples, one male short-sleeved shirts and stickers silk linen suit trousers, and off snow lotus is very similar, woman dressed in a white silk blouse pink flower T, wearing a pair of grape big shining gold earrings, is a milky white pearl necklace around her neck, lower body comes in random, just a plain black silk floating white cotton trousers, Xuefeng resemblance between facial features and off.Just old couple would actually be standing in front of the welcoming, but also pay attention to dress so, although do not rule out that a wild ginseng credit, but Lohan still instinctively feel my heart is not right. Such a big battle, do not like the future son- in phase, but rather is grateful benefactors. Off brother soon guided Lohan on a pre-determined space parked car, watching Lohan reversing techniques that hundreds of times, and resembles her sister 's eyes quickly swept away on a sign in front of the car, his eyes already more than a little satisfaction and admiration.

Off lotus surprised, he was about to ask what meaning he had to walk past and say hello Lohan. See car trunk stuffed two boxes of fruit and a luxurious package Wuliangye, and quickly reached to catch a box of fruit, increasingly revealing a bit affectionate smile : nike free run this is Luo brother, right ? Hello, I'm off the peaks, everyone calls me a small peak. cheap jordan sneakers To get really late, my mom sister last week has been returned by the time to calculate cheap jordan sneakers away, muttering several times. However, this car is good, much better than those of cheap jordan sneakers the village.

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