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Chen Lang looked at the little Kiki 's face,ghd australia, smile and laugh. Buy drugs, view parcels, Chen Lang found his stone back to the city the frequency of use is almost gone. "Myth " in the stone back to the city to buy in the grocery store, using 20 times the stone back to the sac longchamp solde city (small ) twenty gold coins. 50 times the frequency of use of the stone back to the city (center), 45 gold coins. Use 100 times the stone back to the city ( big ) is 80 coins. Unlimited use of permanent stone back to the city, compared with 1000 coins.

Such a long time,ghd hair straightener australia, you should have sold it ? Transmission Los continents, this system is still the largest city bustling state capital level. In the Holy Virgin did not open the case, Los continents is the most prosperous city. Through the human voice bustling city south, Chen Lang Division into the city jail, and a few days ago consignment items have been sold, after deducting fees Chen Lang system still got over 1500 gold coins. Chen had also some joy waves goods prices now look up, and immediately felt a grievance.

Chen Lang broken soul like a warrior weapon property price is actually 5000 coins. The policeman beast prices also reached 2000 gold coins. Master basic skills groups attacked the book price actually reached tens of thousands of gold coins. Hey,cheap ghd straightener, are also considered their usual smart, how no one expected the price of RMB exchange will lead to boom it? In fact, there is always someone that time little Kiki, but for the money back to the city to buy a new stone, estimates are now can not remember what they have on consignment in the city prison department.He is a rough outline, if not back to the city Shashi Hou Shi was killed, it can ohh, Chen waves to himself. Order and small Kiki together. Chen Lang mind making money thing, but where to start, there is not a clue, do more important things in front. And now the most important thing is to improve the grade. After much deliberation, the true temple is the most appropriate bubble, if the day uninterrupted leveling, where is a basic one day. Ran Chuansong Zhen, Dong Tao, Liao state.

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