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Oh, Great Uncle sent the evening, saying it was dug out from the edge of a farm ? Let http://www.shermanhealth.com/content/cl_p2.html burned to the young girl to eat ! Wei Qiang said, while on clothes rubbed hand, from waterfowl bosom tore off a meat sent to the young girl's mouth. http://www.shermanhealth.com/content/cl_p2.html Eat thighs ! Sister sip off a piece of bird meat, Qieqie coquetry. Ah, give Wei Qiang tore his arm a little bit of bird legs, and blows, and gave it to the young girl. Brother and sister looked cozy scene, can not help Xiao Xu Xiao Han hand on the shoulder, tightened, Xiaohan Ming Bai, his vague expression of sincere gratitude.

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